Vocabulary Reigns Surpreme

They tell me to numb it down,

dumb it down,

only this is not a game of hopscotch,

this is life,


that on the other side of this fence,

there is a checkpoint and you’re three drinks in waiting to blow,

they want to throw you to the fire,

calling you a half life mudblood,

only this is not Hogwarts,

this is America,

so we must speak in tongue.

Do we desire shallow graves or level ground?

quiet whispers or invigorating sounds,

decrease or increase,

living or deceased,

writing or carving,

feeding or starving,

reading or bleeding,

fast forward or repeating,

like Egyptian sands of grain,

these words remain,

you endure the mental strain,

we see as growth,

we don’t choke we breathe,

not mimicking the creed,

invent, create,

we demonstrate,

the new,

for the proud the few,

maximizing abilities, larger retention,

embarking minds into a spoken word convention,


I will tell you,

we do it for free,

we sacrifice the addictions,

for my man Phil-E

it’s 31 days no t.v.

sipping green tea,

speaking lyrically,

with clarity,

for you and me,

and a better future,

watch what you seek,

the future may be bleak,

You want dungeons or botanical gardens,

good life or margins,

of error,

and I’m not saying life is fear,

only like apples and pears,

we care,

so we write tonight!

Like hawks we soar,

above the war,

like never before,

evading conflict,

life is as strict as you make it,

some grasp it, some take it

some fail, others make it,

some buy it, some bake it,

some buy it, some break it,

so we pay the price,

not once, not twice,

but for eternity

and in this instance,

there is no maternity


You better believe,

in yourself,

and train your mind,

to find,

what reporters don’t,

not because they can’t,

but they won’t!

There are gems all around you,

and I’m looking at a few,

you all shine,


Lot’s of love,

Yours truly,

Ryan Allen Kelly

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